
Liederabende with the songs of Gustav Mahler and Samuel Barber (August 1994)

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Program from this event
(English & Deutsch)

August 1994 | Salzburger Festspiele (pdf / 1.89 MB)

Salzburger Festspiele August 1994

14-Salzburg-program-1994-cover-519x1024August 5, 1994

Thomas Hampson, baritone
John Browning, piano

Salzburg Festival
Salzburg, Austria

The program includes song texts and translations (English into German).

Gustav Mahler, Songs from Des Knaben Wunderhorn & Kindertotenlieder
Songs by Samuel Barber

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Program from this event
(English & Deutsch)

August 1994 | Salzburger Festspiele (pdf / 1.89 MB)

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Gustav Mahler