
Schubert Week 2022 – Public Workshop II

Event Details

January remains Schubert time at the Pierre Boulez Saal: for the fourth consecutive year, Thomas Hampson has invited renowned lied singers and the most promising talents of the younger generation, together with their piano partners, to dedicate an entire week to the world of the Schubert Lied.

Once again, the Schubert Week includes a two-day public workshop with students of the Liedakademie of the Heidelberger Frühling Festival, led by Thomas Hampson. The young singers and pianists will present the results of their work in a concert on Sunday afternoon.

In cooperation with the Internationalen Musikfestival Heidelberger Frühling and the Pierre Boulez Saal


29th January 2022


15h - 18h Central European Time

9am - 12pm Eastern Time


Pierre Boulez Saal
Französische Straße 33 D
10117 Berlin