
Links Related to Walt Whitman

Links Related to Walt Whitman

Here you can find an ever-growing list of interesting links to various websites related to Walt Whitman and his work.

Walt Whitman in 1892
Image courtesy of the Library of Congress

Walt Whitman on Song of America
Information about Whitman as well as a growing catalog of musical settings of Whitman’s poetry

The Walt Whitman Archive
An electronic research and teaching tool that sets out to make Whitman’s vast work, for the first time, easily and conveniently accessible to scholars, students, and general readers.

The Walt Whitman Collection
A project of the Library of Congress, this collection offers access to the four Walt Whitman Notebooks and a cardboard butterfly that disappeared from the Library of Congress in 1942. They were returned on February 24, 1995.

The Walt Whitman Collection at Bartleby
Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, as well as several other writings by or about Whitman.

Walt Whitman – The Academy of American Poets
A brief biography of Walt Whitman and selected poetry and prose.

Walt Whitman Biography
Detailed information about Walt Whitman on the website of Dr. Donna Campbell, a professor at Washington State University.

Leaves of Grass Searchable Online Text
Available through Bartleby

Walt Whitman: Poems and Biography
On the website American Poems

Walt Whitman Arts Center
A virtual exhibit entitled “Walt Whitman and the Development of Leaves of Grass

Walt Whitman on PAL: Perspectives on American Literature
Includes a wide variety of resources on Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman on Wikipedia

Walt Whitman on Lieder.net
A free public service housing an extensive, growing archive of texts from Lieder and other art songs, including an extensive page on settings of Walt Whitman’s poetry

Part of

Walt Whitman:
To the Soul