
Paul Hindemith:
Song Texts & Translations

By Individual Song

Beat! Beat! Drums! (Schlagt! Schlagt! Trommeln!), Three Hymns, Op. 14 (1919) (Whitman)
Ages and Ages Returning at Intervals (Der ich, in Zwischenräumen), Three Hymns, Op. 14 (1919) (Whitman)
Sing On There in the Swamp (O, nun heb du an, dort in deinem Moor), Three Hymns, Op. 14 (1919) and 1943 setting (Whitman)



“I Hear America Singing” (Salzburg 2001):
Song Texts and Translations


To the Soul
Song Texts & Select Translations

Part of

“I Hear America Singing”
(Salzburg 2001)

Walt Whitman:
To the Soul

Song Texts & Translations